Year-End Social: Beer & Wine Tasting, BBQ, Antiques & Collectibles Appraisals

Date: Thursday, May 22, 2014
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Hershey's Mill Golf Club

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Annual Meeting Reception & Summer Kickoff
Thurs., May 22, 2014



5:30  Networking Reception/Open Bar
           Antiques & Collectibles “You Be the Appraiser” Perusal

6:00  CCEPC Annual Meeting

           Finance Update

           Membership Update

Board Nominations & Elections

Board Leadership Transitions

The Changing of the Gavel … See you in Sept


6:15  Summer Celebration:  BBQ Supper & Ice Cream Social

7:00  Antiques & Collectibles “What’s it Worth?” …  Wine for Winners

7:30  Open Bar Closes

Location:  Hershey’s Mill Clubhouse, 1500 Green Hill Road, West Chester 19380




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